Department of Mathematics and Statistics/Data Science¹
University of Houston-Downtown
Houston, Texas

Natural Sciences Department²
University of Houston-Downtown
Houston, Texas

Mentoring: All by Collaboration

UHD Peer-Team Led-Training has been a part of the mentoring training system for over 20 years. Professor Nakamura was one of the first trained in PLTL mathematics and has championed PLTL in mathematics, computer science, and chemistry disciplines over the years. In 2019 Dr. Parker included PLTL training workshops and trainees in several DOED MSEIP grant awards (2019-2023) (P120A190069, P120A210015, P120A230070). These funded grant awards supported PLTL training workshops for almost 30 trainees per year. This paper describes the training, the training’s influence on leadership development, and the application to various groups where collaboration is critical to student development aimed at providing student support and growth.

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