
McWhorter School of Building Science
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama


Implementing Hands-On Tiny House Design and Construction for Building Science and Architecture Students


An elective course was offered in Spring, 2018 at Auburn University titled “Special Problems-Tiny Houses.” This course met for 2.5 hours, once a week and incorporated lecture, research, hands-on construction activities, and a field trip centered around tiny home design and construction. Enrollment in the Spring, 2018 course consisted of 11 architecture students and 3 building construction students. Results of a survey administered at the end of the course indicated that hands-on construction activities were the most effective component of the course. Though the results are representative of the entire population of the course, they may not be statistically sound due to the small survey population. Future research will seek to administer this survey to future classes in order to increase the survey population.

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